Antique Persian Kurdish Sauj Bulaq


Antique Persian Kurdish Sauj Bulaq


230 x 131 cm


Beautiful Persian Kurdish Sauj Bulaq rug dating to the late 19th century.

Like all the good Kurdish weavings, this rug has the most wonderful, saturated colours, great depth and a wide range of shades, including a number of different greens, coupled with the best, lustrous wool.  The rug, which would have been woven in a village house, is in full pile on a woollen foundation.

The all-over design of the field on a blue ground is usually referred to as a “Herati design”, but in Iran it is often known as the “fish pattern”.  The main border is formed by a chain of flowers on a red ground which sings in both natural and artificial light. It is flanked by two narrower borders, one on a red, the other one on a green ground, with a somewhat more angular meandering pattern.

The weaving of this type of rug died out some time around 1900 –  you don’t find any that are younger than that.

The rug is in excellent condition. It has some corrosion in the black, which is in keeping with its age, but no repairs.